Apr 02, 2006 19:27
I am thinking of going to so cal and picking up my car REAL soon. i can't live in the city in such a way where I have no other options in this shitty rain. I really REALLY hate cold rain. I hate nasty CITY rain A LOT. I am so damn sick of being around people who have only suffered harsher climates and think that it is "SO AMAZING" weatherwise in SF. I SERIOUSLY don't think it is that amazing here, haha.. but I love it still. I feel at home in SF so I bitch about it like I probably will about my kids (considering that is what my mom did with us ahh).. but yeah, I NEED A BREak. I can't wait for school to finish. i know I can't move back THE VERY day school ends, due to needing to take bloody summer school.. *GRRR).. However, I am looking forward to a less concrete existence SOON. I want to go camp, go sweat, party, kiss a few times one boy (yeah just one, maybe I wll find a rich guy to go travel with me), AND enjoy the life of being DONE finally DONE with this hellish thing they call academia. Nope, there shall not be any stories from me about how I will miss my depressing as can be politics class.
I mean this is my average school day:
I wake up, realize I ahve 20 minutes to get to African Development, show up always damn late, just in time to hear the last snippet about someone getting killed in some coup, then I sit there, frantically take notes about the struggle for modernization in Nigeria, the lack of medicinal aid available to countries in Africa. Then, I go on to class number two after (hopefully not a video because those days I just want to kill myself), i show up in Global economics justice, my professor is (YEAH I really must love this man's stuttering voice- aside from this mean comment, he is AN AMAZING writer, too bad lectures can't be done in sign language and understood by me) is THE SAME guy I have for African Development. I sit down pretty early, as our cafeteria is this tiny closet sized spot where everyone tends to sit alone, then I listen to him say snippets of the same stuff I heard in class number one. Oh, what is this?? Somehow we will be watching a video. Yay! The excitement lasts only long enough to realize this might be a visual accompaniment to the depressing lectures that JUST might make me wish I could drop out of school. I sit there, learn about the way that logos are used to entice people, the way that science has been starting to be used for manipulating individuals and our future children more and more. The way that psychologists and surveys are used by advertising agencies to create a way for parents to be at the control of the whims of their children. Then, the movie doesn't end, it goes on to tell about the way that people are dying in so many parts of the world due to the chemical leaks that many corporations do not always admit to having. There are now visual images to verify that Vietnamese are still suffering from the chemical outcome of agent orange as it was sprayed during the time of the Vietnam/American War. Soon we are all sitting there with faces of grimace and ansy feet that can't wait for our lunch break. Right before the video is put to rest, there is an image of the way that Rbst has been used in milk in the United States and the many side effects it creates for those who consume it over a long period of time, and also the horrific sight of sagging milkless cows that look like they are going to die IN 30 SECONDS.
Okay, lunch break. I am so happy to get out of class, that I rush to the closet sized cafe downstairs. I have about 2 bucks to my name, so i am happy to find my friend set who gives me an egg roll, I rant my frustration regarding the Z class I just came out from and she tells me about what I missed in African Development before i stepped into class. I calm down, quickly start reading for my politial Ethics class. The reading is dry, so I forget anyone is there as I frantically attempt to read the meaning of deliberative democracy according to Gutman and Thomson. Then, I am reading about the ways that Living Wage Ordinance have benefitted certain cities, would this be good for my fake city "Jersey' wehre I shall be having the choice of implementing such an ordinance? Then, I have to sit and draw at my plans for whether this idea is Rawlsian, and what would Habermas and Gutman think of these ideas.
I quickly catch the site of my professors for this duo-taught class sitting at the cafe, grab my books before they get up to catch the elevator, and get into class and sit where i ALWAYS sit. I sit next to t and a. A doesn't talk ever, no one ever asks him who he is, but I got a look at his paper, and he is one of few people getting an A in the class. I think of how I am going to survive this semester, this damn class stresses me out, mainly because I am dumb when it comes to dry reading. I sit down, "N I need to see you after class", says one of the two professors. I am thinking how hellish this class is and how much I feel like I am 12 when it comes to this class. I really feel like they are those annoying professors that teach at UCs or at state schools and freak out every student JUST for the heck of it.. Did I mention that they had their midterm the Monday after spring break ended? Yeah, that is just pure evil, they seriously could have had it on Wednesday.
I really hate that class. I want to like it, but all I can do is finish my work for it and just pray I don't fail.I don't really have any passion for the people, or the class that much. it is interesting, I just am SICK of politics. Political ethics is like the HIGHEST level of torture as one must read 3 articles every week, which for people like me, requires that I re=read it about 3 times, then we get into class, and you are just full of this feeling that, gosh, we are going to have really loud discussions that just drain you of any brain cells left for the rest of the day. I finish class, see the prof, realize that my life is going to be shitty until may 14th, and then I go get on a damn bus, head home, finish eating a bit, go to the gym, walk home feelin a bit better, decide to read a bit for class and head back to sleep.
the next day? I go to my internship when I wake up, frantically finish up the last stuff for data entry, run after a bus, go to French class, realize I have about 20 assignments that i ahven't done for that class, figure I am going to have to catch up or lose out, so I get myself a french tutor. then I go to french tutoring after class, then i walk to the gym and do yoga with Kirstia.. and that is abou the two days that repeat twice per week, while Fridays I end up working at the internship and chilling out.