ChiZine Pubs & WorldCon rocked!

Aug 12, 2009 15:59

So, despite difficulties with the convention and being left out of the programme book, and then further drama when our book launch got picked up by media outlets, making the hotel freak out... in the end, the convention was a huge success for us. I think we sold about 75% of our stock, and about a third of that on the night of our launch party at the Delta Hotel in Montreal on August 8th. Yea us! The books looked gorgeous, the authors were all in fine form, and I think Brett, Matt Moore (our publicist/web guy) and I kinda rocked the house ourselves. We actually sold out of Claude Lalumière's, Brent Hayward's and Bob Boyczuk's books at the con, and almost sold out of Dave Nickle's.  If you haven't seen our lovely books before, check 'em out:

We have more trade paperbacks available, and we're going to reprint Bob & Brent's books as well.

Also had a great chat with my agent Monica from the Anne McDermid Agency. (I now say "my agent" as often as possible, in a completely unbearable way, you know, like when the newly engaged say "my fiancé.") Anyway, we dissected my upcoming book, other people's books that might be similar to mine, and, more importantly, the lack of giant squid in Watchmen. Vital discussions, fellow babies. Vital.

More con news later!

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