Mar 10, 2009 23:22
Yesterday was my "supposedly" last day at work. Emphasis on supposedly, I'll explain later. We had our team meeting. That was when I turned over my work to Patrick and the status meeting and all. After that we prayed. Our PM led the prayer. It was totally heart-warming. I was almost in tears. Yes, I'm quite emotional during that time since I was thinking about the operation. Ah! The power of prayers!
After the meeting Liz talked to me about the cyst and all that. She was telling me to seek for a 2nd opinion. She was telling me about this other way instead of an "old-school operation." I was convinced plus the fact that some people had told me to do so (Redge, Lara, etc). That was when I decided to go for it. I went undertime since Intellicare at Medical City closes at 530 and the doctor I've found leaves at 6. I went to Intellicare first which is at the 3rd floor to get the form. Then I went to Dra. Banta which is on the 17th floor. Then she told me I needed to re-do the ultrasound test since I don't have the original results with me. That was around 520. So I immediately went to intellicare to get another form. Thank God they were still open. Then I went to the 5th floor to get my ultrasound. I won't go into details but let me tell you DAMN! It was so painful. Use your imagination! The official results won't be released until the next day so I asked the doctor who conducted the test if we could do something about it because I was just seeking second opinion. He told me he'll just write down the results so that I could give it to Dra. Banta. What a kind doctor he is, Dr. Villanueva. Yes, he's a guy but he's gay. So all is good. :P I reached Dra. Banta's office just in time. They were closing out. Her secretary was like, "Photo finish." Yeah, it was like I was in Amazing race. This is where the good part is. She adviced me to just observe for awhile as suggested by the results. I will be having another ultrasound in awhile, but the good thing is the operation has been cancelled for now...Here's to hoping that I won't have to consider it again.
For all those who prayed for me and with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and my family.
Prayers can really do move mountains or cyst for this matter. :D