Curse you, Ace Young, for being so damned hot! I don't love your song choices and am not fond of the r & b music you like to sing, but every time you flash your lovely smile and lovely green eyes I find myself wishing you back on the show for another week. I know, it's a singing competition and I should rating your singing performances. But look how you call us women to your grasp...
A bit of advice: there are loads of great singers out there who do the falsetto/high register stuff you like to sing that you can chose from. How about Erasure or the Scotish band Travis, something a bit more interesting that isn't so, well, early 90's boyband! And next week is Queen week. Please, please, please do not butcher Freddie Mercury. Let the man rest in peace. Hit the high notes. Don't turn them into runs. And most importantly, do me proud, Ace, because I just posted about you on my LJ and my lust for you in now public knowledge!