this week

Jul 31, 2005 01:07

Just to let everyone know I feel a little bit better than I did in my last entry. I was in very bad shape. Im not in good shape now but atleast I got some things answered.. anyway

Just incase anyone cares to know, so they can see me maybe before I leave...

Monday- Doctors, then hanging out with Nadine all night. We're going to DC to watch an old 1941 movie on a big screen right on the mall. It should be great.
Tuesday- Going to lunch with Bryan, shopping with my mom, and hopefully spending the night at Katie Tregoes abode.
Wednesday- Watching Anchorman with Will
Thursday- possibly more college shopping but besides that, nothing
and Friday- nothing.

Im hoping that I get to do something cool on friday since well.. its my last day here for quite some time and there are alot of people Id like to see before I leave. I know I wont be able to see atleast one, and that makes me sad, but thats just kind of the situation right now.

Im still very nervous but I have less to worry about now so Im a little bit more excited. 5 days.
But Im still nervous that like no one is going to like me, or I wont do well in my classes, me and my roommate wont get along, Im afraid guys will just think Im an easy freshmen and try to get in my pants (not going to happen), Im afraid of not staying friends with everyone back home. I know Im not that far but I dont honestly know who is willing to come visit me and stuff, and my oldest friends are all going to college as well..
I dont know, there is alot of my mind, lots of fears about college that Im guessing most people have. The priority for worrying has changed quite a bit, but those are the new fears pretty much. Im sure there is more but Im utterly exausted and Im rambling like crazy.

Basically if you want to see me for some odd reason Thursday or Friday is open, so let me know. I doubt anyone will actually respond to this but its worth a try anyway. Goodnight

p.s. Thomas gives really good, meaningful hugs. and so does Rachel. I love them for it
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