Title; In The Darkest of the Night (There's Someone Waiting to See You)
Characters; Walt, mentioning of lots of other characters
Rating; g
Words; 586
Summary; Walt is not done with the island, just like the island is not done with him, either.
Disclaimer; I don't own them, I just like playing with them.
A/N; For Queen
alemyrddin, who requested magic. Hopes this fits into the category of "magic" :D Also written for Queen
emiliglia, who requested S6 speculations.
He feels it mostly at night, especially when it's a full moon. The longer it goes on, the more it makes him feel like he's back there.
First, it's only a dream; or so he thinks. Flashes of memories, of things that were, things will be and things that won't ever be again, pictures without sound. Like watching TV with the sound on mute.
Later, he pretends he's just hearing things; even though he knows better. Familiar voices that make his heart beat a little faster; the longer they go on, the more it hurts when it's silent again. It's like a sudden gush of wind on a hot day you're grateful for, until it dies away and you feel your clothes sticking to your body again.
Now, all he has to do is close his eyes and think of the island and he can see them. He can see Sawyer - or is it, he looks different and why is he with that blonde woman and who is she? - and he can see Richard, the guy he met when they had kidnapped him, so many years ago.
He even finds he can only look at the island, he can see the waterfall he once discovered with Vincent - he can't see Vincent, but he's probably just hiding - he can see the place their camp used to be, only it's bigger and he can't spot what used to be their tent. He can see the place where they blew up the hatch and he can't help but think back and know that apart from whatever was happening, Walt used to be happy on the island.
He tries not to think of his father, but he fails and he shivers when he can't find him. He tells himself he doesn't even know what exactly he's doing, maybe he's seeing the future, maybe he's seeing the past, maybe he's not even seeing anything - but he knows better than that. Maybe he's just seeing glimpses and even if all of it were true, he doesn't understand it, anyway.
A sudden knock on his bedroom door shakes him from his thoughts.
"There's a man here to see you, Walt."
"Who is it?"
"His says his name is Charles Widmore, says he wants to offer you something. Do you know him?"
"His name sounds familiar. Thanks grandma, I'll come down."
He tries to search his mind, tries to find the name, but he can't recall where he'd heard it, he must have read it somewhere. Could it have anything to do with his gift, for lack of a better word?
When he comes down, there's a man sitting in the sofa with a cup of tea in his hands. He can only see the back of his head, but when he comes around the sofa to face him, the image of the dream that started it all shoots back into his mind. He shakes his hand and sits down, accepts the cup of tea his grandmother hands him and then sits and stares at the man, quietly, waiting for him to speak.
"My name is Charles Widmore, Walt, and I can help you."
And just like that, he knows.
"You're here to get me back to the island, aren't you?"
If he's taken aback by this unexpected answer, he doesn't show it. He simply nods and Walt's lips turn into a soft and careful smile, the first real smile that he's given anybody in those past four years...