{ lost 5x01 "Because You Left", 5x02 The Lie & 5x03 "Jughead" }

Feb 02, 2009 12:16

You have no idea how fucking awesome it feels to be writing these again. ♥


1. First off, nice that you made the intro to this season the same as the last :D I was wondering who it might have been, but I didn't expect our good ol' Dr Marvin Candle, lol.
2. "This station is being built here because of its proximity to what we believe to be an almost unlimited energy. And that energy, once we can harness it correctly? It's going to allow us to manipulate time."
Lol, dude. We would have said 'right' in that sarcastic tone as well, if we'd never seen Lost before.
This is obviously the chamber that Ben used to make the island disappear. I wonder how they eventually managed to open it up and if we're going to see more of this. It's obvious that he was right in his time manipulating this, but it did a lot more too, I guess. Maybe the reason the island keeps changing is because Ben did something to that wheel that keeps the island from staying in one place? Not that it would explain how the hell those Others stay in their own time, while only our survivors are travelling through time. But that's actually from another episode, so I'll shut up now xD
3. And WTF is Daniel doing in a time he should probably not even been born yet? Did he manage to go back in time before coming to the island, or did he do this whilst they were going back and forth? Ohmy, this doesn't make any sense. LOST HEADACHE FTW XD
4. JACK SHAVING <333 I normally love a stubble, but damn it, OFF WITH THE BEARD.
5. "Did he tell you what happened to them when the island moved?... THen I guess we'll never know.."
Does Ben really not know what happened or is he fooling Jack into believing him?
I'm guessing he doesn't know, but maybe he has an idea?
7. Bernard and Rose OTP xD
8. "There is no camp..." OMG WTF! :O "No, your camp isn't gone, it hasn't been build yet."
LOL, as if that matters to any of them. And yay for Sawyer suddenly taking the lead. And I wonder how they even got through 3 years of time travelling without getting killed? I know time on the island's supposed to be different from time IRL, but still. My head hurts.
9. I love Aaron :D And I miss s1 Kate :( It's like now that she's a mommy she's not that Kate any more.
10. Although, when I saw her pack that gun she'd had hidden in her wardrobe and run again, I was more like: that's my girl.
11. And who the hell is his client? Who knows about Aaron not being her kid? I don't think it's Widmore, but it might be... Maybe Abadon?
12. Nice explanation with the record and all that, but I still don't get it xD Well, I do get what Daniel told us, but just. I can't ever wrap my head around timetravelling, not even in Harry Potter xD Because it would mean that you're in two places at once, but that's not possible either. So wtf?
13. Ethan?
14. Damn, Widmore's everywhere.
16. Sayid the TORTURAAAA. He kills you not only with his feet, but also with his dishwasher.
17. Daniel is actually getting better, but I still think there's way too much he's not telling us. But at least we're getting answers and that's awesome! Also, about moving forward and backwards in the street, but not being able to create a new one. Does he really know this by just studying time/space, or did he already go back in time (like I said in 3?)
18. OMG AND SUDDENLY I HAVE A CRUSH ON RICHARD ALPERT. I knew I was into older men, but dude. This is serious xD And how come he knows what's gonna happen and how come he knows everything? And "I didn't go anywhere, you went." WTF. How come the orginal Others aren't moving? And Juliet is? So that doesn't make sense either?
"You're gonna have to die, John." I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND HOW HE DIED.
19. Charlotte getting that nosebleed. We all know what that means. I'm sort of sorry, she was growing on me.
It was awesome, but whatever. And so fucking cool that Desmond realised it was a 'memoray'
21. "You are unique and special and THE RULES DON'T APPLY TO YOU."
What if the rules don't apply to Walt either? I guess this makes even less sense, but whatever. I don't get this xD

1. Well, I've always wanted to see how they came up with the lie and everything, but I didn't expect it to be this boring, to be honest. I mean, it's awesome that we see them again, but still.
2. Sayid does have a very big part in this episode xD I love how he's in a coma throughout the first part.
3. OMG ANA LUCIA. I've always hated her, but I love her for coming back this once. And where the fuck do they com from? And I love they made her a cop, lol!
"Ohyeah, Libby says hi." So sweet <3
4. I love how Hurley took that shirt and how he went to his parents.
Give Sawyer a shirt and you will be killed off xD Also, he was annoying the hell out of me, so I'm not sorry we had to see him off.
6. "I think it's Mr Wizard." LOL MILES I LOVE YOU TOO.
7. I love how Miles got up and went to search for food. I want to see more of his 'ability' and damn, this makes me think of Walt again. When is he coming back? IS he coming back?
8. YAY KATE! When I saw her wanting to call Jack I was like DOOO IT OR I KILL YOU. But alas, then badass!Sun called because she felt in a bitchy mood and wanted someone to fuck around with.
9. Contrary to what I've been reading about this: I love that Ben flushed Jack's pills down the drain.
10. Exposé, lol, isn't that the show that Nikki was in?
11. I love that elevator scene with Kate and Aaron.
12. Who is that woman Ben goes to? And what does she have to do with keeping Locke save?
13. LOL @ MILES. "Don't worry it's fine, it's only been dead three hours." xD
14. You want fire? The island will provide it for you. By shooting flaming arrows at you.
15. "Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?" LOL!
16. I sort of hate Sun for doing this. We know you're bitter and all, but come on. "I don't blame you." and "How's Jack?" While she probably knows what happened between them. It's just. UGH. But maybe this is just me Kate defense kicking in.
17. Jack is just so awesome he can get a Pakistani in a come in the hospital without anyone seeing him. While they're both famous. LOL!
18. Wow, I love when Hurley tells his mother the truth. FTW.
19. LOCKE TO THE RESCUE! OMG S1 LOCKE IS BACK! Let's just go from there, shall we?
20. Hurley threw a Hot Pocket at Ben. LOL! And I actually really wanted Hurley to go with Ben, because I want them to go back to the island. But then again, I'm proud that he choose being arrested over playing along with his mindfucks.
21. I remember that woman from "The Constant" (right?) and I wonder what the hell's she's doing and how important she is? And 70 hours? 70 hours or else?
And what will happen if they don't get back?

1. WAT IS DA MADDER WIT U? xD Lol at foreign doctors.
2. Dear TPTB, please don't show us any more birth scenes. Please?
3. At first, I thought Desmond was telling his son about our island, but it was Great Britain :D
4. At least Desmond's wearing blue again. I bet fangirls would give anything for that blue SHIRT.
5. And I think Penny's being a bit of a bitch in this episode. Sorry.
6. Speaking Latin... I'd expected the writers to come with something more, but this is okay too. I did see it coming that Juliet would talk back to them in Latin.
7. Anyone notice that Juliet doesn't seem to bothered with any of this? And that she doesn't have any facial expression other than that 'slightly amused but also annoyed or whatever' face. In my defense, she's growing on me. I don't hate her as much as I used to.
8. Daniel is smart. No matter what I'll ever say about him, he has his brains in the right place.
9. Oh, I love how they walk up to the Others camp. In TENTS. Haha :D Somehow, I just find this awesome. It reminds me of S1, although there's no reason why it should. It just does.
10. RICHAAAARD. :D Haha, I just love him. All of a sudden.
11. Desmond of Scotlandyard xD Anyway, I wonder what happened with Daniel's research and everything. And what that guy came doing there? Does he just check whether there's someone in there or not? He knows more, I'm sure.
12. Daniel expressing his love for Charlotte was squee.
13. OMG. That kid breaking that other kid's neck. WTF.
14. I don't understand why Daniel would leave his mother behind for no reason? I don't think it's possible, I don't believe it. And what does Widmore have to do with this? I think maybe Daniel tried to find a solution to save her?
15. I love it when that kid comes running up to Richard and he goes like: "Think he can track me, think he knows this island better than I do?" LOOOOL YES I DOOO! HERE COMES LOCKE!
16. I think that Ellie girl talkes a bit weird. She doesn't articulate very good, or something. /random
17. WTF JUGHEAD IS THAT FUCKING BOMB. WTH? And yes, Ellie, pointing that gun at a bomb that's leaking is a VERY GOOD idea. If you want to get yourselves blown up. How did that bomb even get there and why? And what happened to it now? Is it somewhere buried, like Daniel said they should do?
"Because 50 years from now, this island is still here!"
18. Desmond running into Widmore's office was just hilarious xD Yeah, just go straight to the man who tried to kill you xD
19. Lol, look at the returned awesomeness that once belonged to Locke. Walking into Others camp without a single problem. I love how things are falling into place, though I don't understand it. How Locke tells Richard to find Locke after he's born (two years from now) if he doesn't believe him. That'd explain why Richard looked him up as we've seen in Locke's flashbacks.
20. HAHAH YOUNG WIDMORE. This is the Lost that we know. And good to see he's been an asshole all his life xD But this does mean that Widmore WAS on the island before Ben and he was a great deal older too, since Ben didn't arrive until in the '70s. I wonder how they got into this 'game' of theirs. Maybe Widmore was a candidate for the leadership and since Richard told John it was a long process and often started at a very young age, but when Ben came along he became their leader and Widmore and Ben started this game of theirs? Or something. I don't know how to explain, just hope someone at least gets something of this xD

Wow, what a work. I've posted everything I wanted to post, so yay for that. Tomorrow first class of this upcoming course. Am excited, since it's Translating :D

I think I'll use the rest of the afternoon to work on the first 1000 words of my thesis. I think I did good, but I've got to translate two sentences of a Pirate song and I just don't really know what to do with them. And I don't have the Dutch version of Peter Pan to compare it to and I can't find it online. Enough childrens books, but no direct translation, though I know this exists. I think I'll stop by the bookstore in Utrecht tomorrow that also has all our studying material, either they have it already or they can order it for me. I also don't know the Dutch names of the Lost Boys and I'm sort of hesisant of leaving them in English, since Slightly, Curley, Nibs and all those names don't mean anything to kids in Dutch. And I know I once knew those names, but I can't find them anywhere.

Mom's not feeling well and she called in sick from work, so she's lying in bed and doesn't even want anything to eat or drink. Poor mom.

Also: KREZIP is going to be on a new tv show (just once) to present their new single "Sweet Goodbyes" (Omg, that video is going to have me bawling from beginning to end, everytime I see it. I've seen previews.) and it's possible to be in the audience. But we only heard this yesterday and it's possible it's already full. Now, I filled in an application and the customer service calls you back, but since it's tomorrow it might be useful for me to call them. I used to do it when we went to see Bram at Thank God It's Friday, but I sort of hate calling and it gets me nervous and worked up for no reason at all. I have to find some courage and all. Silly thing to be nervous about, but yeah. I've had it since forever and I know I'm not the only one.

tv: lost, tv: review, random

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