{ Lost; Every Star Has Its Name }

Aug 05, 2008 14:08

Title; Every Star Has Its Name
Character(s); Charlie POV, but pretty much everyone of the survivors.
Rating; G
Words; 966
Summary; Next to him were other people like him, that stood beside him and watched the beautiful reunion of the people of Oceanic Flight 815.
Disclaimer; I do not own them, I just like playing with them.
A/N; For Queen zelda_zee, who requested dbah fic and happy endings. Enjoy!

It was finally over, Charlie thought, as he saw the helicopter find its way to the island that would never be able to be found again after this. It was the first and last time they would let anyone get to or off the island and it was the most beautiful scene he had ever been a witness of.

He saw people grasping each other, kissing and crying and laughing too. Like they hadn't seen each other for centuries instead of four years. But Charlie's perspective of time was different now, he only remembered vaguely what it felt like to need sleep or to have any realisation of time.

Everything was different, but much more beautiful.

He decided to take a closer look, standing underneath the trees that lined the beach. He knew that even if he had walked between the reuniting survivors, that they would never be able to see him, or even sense him, but he stood there, in the shadow of the jungle. He preferred it like this, the temptation of trying to reach out to them, his desire of wanting to be amongst them would be too great for him to handle.

He could see Kate and Sawyer laughing when they hugged, he could see Jack standing behind her, holding Aaron - oh, how much he had grown - and he could see Sayid and Hurley. He smiled as he saw Hurley being hugged by everyone and he felt good seeing how Hurley's eyes were no longer the dull and crazy ones they had been at the mental hospital. His eyes were clear and happiness radiated from them, his smile infectious. Jin and Sun were quiet as they hugged and finally kissed each other, their emotions too deep and wild. It felt good watching how fast the survivors became a group again, forming a close circle on the beach, watching the ocean, watching each other, tears and laughter still on their faces.

Charlie's heart would have skipped a beat if it could have, when he saw a blonde woman emerging from the trees further away. He saw how Kate double checked as if she was making sure she had seen correctly. He saw her running towards the beautiful, young mother, to Claire. He wished he could be the one running towards her, like Kate was now, her arms locking around her shoulders, pressing herself to Claire. He wished he was the one smelling her hair and holding her again, but he knew he could not and his happiness was just as great, because he knew they were the reason this was happening.

But Charlie was not the only one there, he was not alone either. Next to him were other people like him, that stood beside him and watched the beautiful reunion of the people of Oceanic Flight 815. Charlie heard Shannon's breathing accelerate as she saw Sayid - his face now more beautiful than off-island - and he knew he wasn't the only one who wanted to join them.

He looked to his right and saw Shannon and Boone holding hands, exchanging a knowing smile before locking their eyes back on the scene. Charlie didn't understand what had happened between them, he guessed death must have brought them together, knowing that at least, they had each other.

He quickly looked around his circle of friends and allies. He saw Nikki and Paolo looking happy, even though they never had been part of the group. He could see Libby crying out of happiness when she saw Hurley and he could see Ana-Lucia wanting to go to Jack. He saw Michael struggling to watch his son, so tall and handsome for a boy his age, stronger than he had been on the island the first time. He was at ease, he was home and even Charlie had to swallow when he saw the childish happiness on his face as he saw Vincent running towards him, barking. He watched Eko taking Ana's hand, squeezing it a little. The only one standing on his left was Locke, looking younger than before, but much wiser than he had been alive. He saw all the other people that had died on the island, living on, amongst them but never part of them any more. Part of the island, now.

He could feel their needs, their desires, because his was just as great. But at the same time, that desire and longing was what kept them together, what gave them the power and will to protect the island and protect the people on the island. To protect them from the world. They did not want to leave the scene in front of them, so they stayed well after the sun had gone down and the survivors had started building fires. They walked closer now, covered by the darkness - even though they didn't need it - and they sat with them on the sand, a big circle of their own.

They still felt like they belonged as they sat there watching them eat. Charlie noticed Walt looking around as they all sat down, watched Walt look around as if he could see them. They had all known Walt would be the only one that would be able to see them, but nobody said anything now. This night was the first of many to come, there was still time, because they had forever. They would wait, like they always would, and they would explain to Walt what was going on, but not now.

Now, they needed to see what their efforts of the previous years had resulted in. Now, they needed to sit down and watch the other survivors reforging bonds and eating together, hearing them making plans for what was to come.

Because they really did have forever.

luau: 2008, fic: lost

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