{ The Music that is the River in our Hearts; Jack/Kate }

Jul 23, 2008 11:03

Title; The Music that is the River in our Hearts
Pairing; Jack/Kate
Rating; G
Words; 427
Disclaimer; I do not own them, I just like playing with them.
A/N; For Queen slybrunette @ lostsquee, who requested anything to do with music. I realise it's very late, but I hope you like it!

There is never silence in Kate's house. Not even at night.


She wakes up to gentle sounds of birds chirping and she goes asleep to the sounds of the ocean. Her dreams drift on the sounds of nature and she sleep better than she did before, but never as good as then.


During the day, it's never quiet in the house either. The radio is always on, voices and music filling the empty rooms of her house. Even with Aaron there, laughing and talking, playing with his toys, it's not enough. The rooms feel empty, too big for her and she knows she can't ever feel whole again without him. She cannot hold the music, but in its own way, it holds her together every day. She cannot live without it any more.


Aaron is used to it by now, loves it too. He sometimes sings along to the more simple songs and has the lyrics wrong, but it makes Kate smile and feel warm inside as she sees the happiness in his eyes. He sleeps better too, even though he still wakes up from time to time, asking where his Daddy is. It hurts to tell him that she doesn't know, she doesn't have the heart to tell him she doesn't even know if he's ever coming back.


She was wrong. One year later, Jack's in front of her door. He's clean-shaven and looks healthier than she ever saw him. She wonders what happened to him, how he managed this, but she doesn't ask. Not yet. She stands aside and lets him in.


"We have to go back," Kate says as she hands him a drink.

"I know, that's why I'm here."


It's not easy, trying to find a way, but at least they are trying and they are trying together. Eventually, they will find out how and when they can return, and they will. But for now, it's enough for Kate to have Jack finally with her again. She feels whole now, once again, although she still fears he is going to leave again. She searches his eyes for any sign of anger, his breath for any scent of alcohol, but she never finds anything any more.


There is never silence in Kate's house, but the music never goes on again. She is whole now, the arms that hold her are real and she doesn't need the music any more. They are holding each other together, the way they always did, they way it was supposed to be.

luau: 2008, fic: lost, jack/kate

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