Nov 06, 2005 12:08
Some people that I am close too used to be really good friends. They did everything together. They were honest, and hurtful, and healing to each other in the way that good friends are. Now, life is pulling them apart. It's ugly to me that our hearts are like 2 year olds, in some developmental stage that I had a test on last week, where they can't fathom that one thing can be 2 things at once. Its sad that something, no matter how big, can determine our love for each other. I like to think that I love a lot and don't give up on people, but I really do. I think people do this all the time and it makes me mad how far from being like Jesus that we are. Deeper than racism, deeper than being sexist, its selfishness and pride.
I also like to think that if you just keep loving someone that your love can change them. I heard Gordon say that about marriage. Now it just seems idealistic. Its so much easier to hate that it is to love.
I love the book Slaughterhouse 5. There is one really cool passage about these aliens on Tralfalmadore. You may have heard me talk about it once. I think these aliens see life like God does. they don't seem time and moments like we do on earth. They see no particular relationship between all the moments. They say the 'author' has carefully chosen them, so that when seen all at once, they produce an image of life that is beautiful and surprising and deep. There is no beginning, no middle, no end. Just many marvelous moments all at once.
but we get stuck in moments and cannot see outside of ourselves in that moment. We are like the 2 year olds who dont understand that a mom can be a daughter and a wife and a sister. That someone can hurt you and love you at the same time. That you can love and disagree at the same time. That you can be honest but lie at the same time. It seems like a never ending cycle that will eventually fold in on itself and explode. And all the while I am trying to keep it from exploding but somewhere inside I wish it would just explode so I could stop fighting it.
On earth there are some causes of diseases that doctors cannot see because they exist in the 4th dimension. On Tralfalmadore they can see these diseases that earlthing doctors cannot even imagine. I bet love is a lot different in the 4th dimension. Although in the 4th Dimension, there are vampires and I think that would be kind of scary. Maybe Andrew can go to residency on Tralfalmadore and teach me about their world.
Sometimes I feel like my thoughts are in the 4th dimension because I cannot put them into words on a 2 dimensional page.