(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 12:09

Whats your first name backwards?: Yllek
What would you change your first name to?: No idea, anything has to be better than Kelly
Current age?: 16 and 2 months
What age do you wish you were and why?: ummmm 18! I can by alcohol! (legally)
Height?: I have no idea! Short?
Hair color?: Dark brown.
Would you like a different hair colour?: Yeh im getting really bored with mine!

Have you ever skipped class?: No! Im an angel ;)
Have you ever gotten caught?: Yeh but i made shit up eg. Im having personal problems at the moment! (always works)
Name the most ridiculous school rule: Travis blocking every single website cause teachers dnt think they are appropriate!

What's your preferred genre of music?: Not fussed! like a bit of everything except country!
Do you ever go to concerts of any kind?: Yes, Yes i do!
What band would you love to see in concert?: Ummmm My Chemical Romance and The Foo Fighters!
Any band you're ashamed of liking?: Yeh! thats why im not going to say them!
Do you fit the stereotype of your preferred genre?: No, Im not anything!

Should marijuana be legal?: Yes!
Is war avoidable?: fuck Yes!
Should prostitution be legalized?: Well i know if sarah didn't have that job she would never have ne money to come out with me!
Darwins theory or Gods theory?: I dnt know what i believe!
Are you for or against same sex marriages?: For, its what they want to do!

Smoked?: Ummmm Yeh
Drank alcohol?: No! I had food poisoning on formal night!
Drank until you passed out?: See Lizi wright for information!
Kissed someone from the opposite sex?: I think everyone who was at Flick's knows the answer to that!
Kissed someone from the same sex?: see above answer!
Thought about kissing your best friend?: As sarah said been there done that!
Smoked pot?: Yeh.
Gotten singing lessons?: No i dnt need lessons im already brilliant!
Failed an exam?: Yeh Maths not my strongest subject!
Had a crush on someone older than you?: Don't know!
Wanted to kill someone?: Of course! who hasn't!
Laughed at God?: laughed at someone who was laughing at God! Does that count?
Sworn in church?: No never i never fucking swear!
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