Statues in the Park - a Poetry Friday post

Aug 04, 2017 11:23

My poetry sisters and I have our monthly poems up today. This month's challenge was to write any poem you want to the title "Statues in the Park", and I have to tell you that it didn't give me much guidance or speak to me in any particular way. I started thinking about various statues in various parks, and did online research where I found this cool sculpture park in Ireland called Victor's Way that has some really interesting statues that I'd love to see in person, but still . . . nada.

Which is when I remembered being young and playing a game with other kids in the park. And then this poem mostly wrote itself.

Statues in the Park
by Kelly Ramsdell

One with the power to stop,
one with the power to release,
all others quite willing
to stop when tagged,
to hold their position
as long as it took until they
were freed, or the game ended.

Who can forget freeze tag?
Who can remember
how to be released?

You can read the other poems here, which include further references to freeze tag (aka the "statue game") as well as to actual statues.


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poetry friday, original poems, free verse, poetry seven, poetry

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