Well what do you know?

Oct 27, 2016 12:33

I have been telling myself a story for a while. The story goes something like this:

"Once upon a time, you were a poet and an author, but those days appear to be gone. You aren't getting things out much. You aren't getting things accepted at all. Maybe you are done with that, even though you intended for this to be ongoing until death (or really old age)."


As I posted two weeks ago, I had a poem published online at Silver Birch Press.

And as I posted last week, I continue to inch along with progress on my Adelaide Crapsey biography.

And though I forgot to mention it, I recently got an acceptance from Chanterelle's Notebook for a poem. And yesterday, the current issue went live online. You can read my poems, "In a Whirl" and "postcard, post-conversation", at Chantarelle's Notebook. (And do check out the rest of the issue - it's good!)

And in yesterday's mail, I got my contributor's copy of One Minute Till Bedtime, the new anthology of children's poetry from Little, Brown, edited by former Children's Poet Laureate, Kenn Nesbitt. Inside, you can find my poem "Baseball Season", on a page that looks like this:

All of which just goes to show . . . something. That there is still life in this here writing and publishing career, even if it's not the sort of amazing! overwhelming! success! that I once envisioned.

For today (and every day, really), I am grateful for what I have.

publicity, writing, original poems, fineman, news, poetry

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