Things I'm learning about my subject

May 23, 2016 11:37

She reviewed the work of other writers for the publications of her boarding school and college, often choosing the work of women who might otherwise be overlooked by the patriarchy. Or, as her biographer indicates, "she championed the women writers who were considered minor by the literary and academic establishment because their readers had been educated in a society which trained them to trivialize the very values these women writers espoused and exemplified." (Karen Alkalay-Gut, Alone in the Dawn, 78.)

And reading that, I realize that I am doing just that same thing with this project.
      Gosh, I hope I succeed in finding a home for this manuscript and in helping to
      garner her the attention she so richly deserves.

She praised the poems of Martha Gilbert Dickinson (Emily's niece) for their "epigrammatic brevity, with a subtlety and suggestiveness astonishing in the narrow limits she allow[ed] herself."

And reading that, I realize those are words that could apply to herself and
      her own poetry as well, though her poems were mostly written years later.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

writing, research, crapsey bio, process

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