Happy Angela De Groot Day!

Apr 20, 2015 11:40

Lots of you know my friend Angela already (some in person, some on Live Journal - here's the link to her blog, and some by reference), and today I'm celebrating her. Not just because it's her birthday, though it is, but also because she's had lots of good publishing news of late.

First, there was her high placement in the Writer's Digest Poetry Contest last fall. She was up in the top ten, though I don't recall her exact number at present, which makes the second Writer's Digest poetry award for her.

And then there's her latest news, which is hinted at in these two portraits of her:

That's right, Angela has an original folk tale in the current issue of Skipping Stones magazine (Vol. 27, No. 2). It's called "How the Cheetah Lost His Roar", and I can vouch for its excellence and humor, as Cheetah and Lion get into a roaring contest, resulting in cheetah's eventual loss of his roar entirely.

Not only does Angela have her first children's publishing credit with this (she publishes all the time with South Jersey Mom magazine, but those are articles for grown-ups), but she also has her first-ever photographic credits. Her folk tale is accompanied by two of her photos in black and white (one of a cheetah and one of a lion). And check out the inside of the back cover (which this photo doesn't do justice to), which includes eight photos she took while on safari in Africa:

Hoping my writing partner and friend has an awesome birthday!

news, de groot

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