Yesterday, my sweetheart and I saw the last of The Hobbit films. I really loved it, and was quite emotional about it for a while afterwards. I think it's because (a) Thorin died (which I knew he would, since it's in the book), and the Tauriel/Kili/Legolas story line really hit me as well and (b) it's likely Peter Jackson's last foray into the Tolkien books, and I hate leaving Middle Earth behind.
I know there are folks who were upset with the parts of the Hobbit films that weren't derived straight from the text, but were either based on information in the appendices to The Lord of the Rings, or were altered by Peter Jackson and the other writers for reasons of their own, but I have no problem loving the movies as they are, changes included.
That said, it may be time to re-read Lord of the Rings again, as it's been several years now. (I re-read The Hobbit about two years ago, between the first and second Hobbit films.) My total number of LOTR readings is probably past 30 by now, but I've only read The Hobbit about half a dozen times.
Before I go, I have to say, though, that part of what I liked about the films was how they tied The Hobbit to The Lord of the Rings by adding the appendix backstory involving Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond, Saruman, and Radagast.
Did you see the films? Did you read the book? What are your thoughts?