A few weeks ago, I ordered a copy of Water Can Be . . ., the latest picture book by Laura Purdie Salas, illustrated by Vileta Dabija. Laura is a friend of mine, but even if she weren't, I'd be singing the praises of this lovely poem-turned-picture book that explains all the many different roles that water plays in our lives and in the environment.
A follow-up to A Leaf Can Be . . . ", this poem involves the same basic format, which I am dying to rip off try on my own. It involves an introductory, intermediate, and concluding stanza, with two sections that are essentially a form of list poem in rhymed couplets in between. The book essentially starts in spring and moves through to winter by the end, seamlessly organized.
Water is water--
it's puddle, pond, sea.
When springtime comes splashing,
the water flows free.
Water can be a . . .
Tadpole hatcher
Picture catcher
Otter feeder
Downhill speeder
Many of Laura's phrases are gorgeous and unexpected, and the pairing with Violeta Dabija's gorgeous illustrations makes them truly sing. As with the prior book, there are explanations for each of the things in the list at the back of the book, along with a glossary for words that might be unfamiliar. A perfect nonfiction offering about water, with explanations of things like water vapor, fog, and the water cycle in the back matter, plus a list of books for further reading.
Highly recommended for lovers of poetry, young scientists everywhere, and all libraries (school or public). And now, to see about working with Laura's form . . .