What is not to love about a polar bear and its cub? At least, that seems to be at least part of the premise of Forever by Emma Dodd. The images are extremely cute, and Templar Books (a Candlewick imprint) has gone the extra mile to pay for shiny silver components on every other two-page spread. (Sometimes it's snowflakes, sometimes, water, sometimes stars . . . )
The text is a sweet love poem, along the lines of I'll Love You Forever without being cloying. My one quibble was that although it was written using rhymed couplets, the metre was sort of all over the place, which made it tricky to read aloud on the first try - just when you come to expect you're dealing with one sort of metre, it shifts to another. And then again. Each couplet is done correctly, but they aren't done alike, is what I'm saying. But I couldn't help but fall in love with the sweet sentiment and the adorable polar bears and the really nice book design.
An extremely cute "I love you" book for bedtime cuddling. And fans of polar bears. My thanks to the folks at Candlewick for sending a copy my way.