I love going away on retreat and to the NESCBWI Conference.
I usually love coming home just as much.
My joy on returning home was diminished on discovering an hour and a half's worth of cleaning to be done just to get the kitchen, master bedroom and master bath to an acceptable level of cleanliness/tidiness, however. Especially when they were in decent shape when I left. *heavy sigh*
I believe that everything will look much better after a good night's sleep. Followed by some more thorough cleaning, although I have a handful of items on the calendar. Like a doctor appointment for M, and tai chi for me. And something in the evening. Oh, right. I'm the featured reader at
Poetry in the Round at the B&N in Marlton, NJ tomorrow evening!
Tomorrow will also include Chapter 12 of Emma as well as a big ol' NESCBWI-related post and a final retreat update.
I now bid you a good night!