I had a playdate today. A grown-up, writerly sort of playdate, but a playdate nonetheless, with Jennifer R. Hubbard (
writerjenn) and Angela De Groot (
Jenn organized us, and we met at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, where we poked about for nearly two hours, and each of us wrote at least three things based on some piece we were viewing. PAFA has some very find portraits of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, by the way, but that didn't seem to inspire any of our bits.
I found myself very attracted to the marbles, a term which here means "ginormous statues carved from marble" and in no way refers to aggies or the like. I've got crap drafts of at least three poems down as a result, and am looking forward to monkeying about with them in the future.
Our time at the museum was followed by lunch at the Reading Terminal Market, a marvelous indoor farmer's market in downtown Philadelphia. I went straight for the Amish places to get my lunch, while Angela ended up with Mexican and Jenn scored a hoagie. So many excellent things to eat, so little stomach room.
And now, it is NAP TIME. (Once again, I find myself wiped out. I suppose this means I need more sleep, yes?)