1. I'm thinking about Japan today, and very glad that I contributed to
Shelter Box, an organization that I learned of via
Maureen Johnson's Twitter feed. Shelter Box provides temporary shelters as well as basic necessities to victims of disaster.
2. This afternoon, I'm off to meet
Jennifer Hubbard for lunch and a visit to
Children's Book World, my semi-local independent children's book store. I'm very much looking forward to it!
3. I'm still in a bit of a tizzy over the artwork for my picture book, At the Boardwalk, which is
(as I said the other day), gorgeous.
4. I am thinking of getting tickets to see
the Lantern Theatre's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
5. I've made plans for my birthday - I'll be spending the evening of April 1st at the launch party for Up & Under, the journal published annually by
The Quick and Dirty Poets, at
The Daily Grind Coffee Shop in Mount Holly, New Jersey. My poem, "San Francisco, Any Night", is in the journal, so I'll be reading poetry and celebrating another publication on my birthday. Sounds good to me!