I love the movie The Princess Bride, so it probably comes as no surprise that I also liked
Jael McHenry's online article, "Publishing and The Princess Bride: What Aspiring Authors Can Learn From Florin".
Here's a sample:
Is this a kissing book? If I had a nickel for every writer I'd heard say "But my book doesn't FIT any established GENRE!", the proceeds would count as a "good deal" on Publishers Marketplace. In a word: yes. Yes it does. And picking your genre is unimportant in some ways, but very important in others.
I am not a "put a bumper sticker on your car" sort of girl, but I do enjoy reading them. I liked this one that I spotted on a Prius when I picked up M after school the other day:
"Those who say it cannot be done shouldn't interrupt those doing it."
I saw this little quote unattributed somewhere online and tracked down its source as Ann Landers. While I don't think it holds true 100% of the time, I do believe it to be the case quite often - even in writing.
"Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work so most people don't recognize them."
And last week, Patti Smith was on the Colbert Report, and here's a bit of their exchange. Colbert asked whether she had any advice for a young person who's trying to become an artist:
Smith There's a certain amount of sacrifice. You have to work really hard. . . . I'm a hard worker, and I guess I'm lucky.
Colbert Is that what you'd tell a young person, just "work hard?"
Smith Yes. Being an artist you have to be ready to sacrifice. It's like being a mother. It's a full-time job.