Tomorrow marks the start of daily(ish) posts about Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. During the course of the novel, Austen makes a number of unattributed allusions to the works of Shakespeare, including what some see as references or parallels to King Lear and Measure for Measure. She also makes one explicit reference to Shakespeare in Volume
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Poor Marianne indeed. The film version of Marianne's falling ill is far more dramatic than that in the book, and the 2008 BBC version borrowed from Emma Thompson's film to give us the yummy David Morrissey dashing about in the rain - although for my money, I still prefer the staggering and kneebuckling of Alan Rickman. *swoons in either case*
I loved Eyes Like Stars and am desperate to find out what happened to Nate! I have to limit myself to new books at the moment seeing as I have way too many unread ones. I'm reading The Pink Carnation at the moment - leant to me by my friend (also Rachel) who read your review and loved the sound of it.
I'm so ridiculously excited about reading Sense and Sensibility and watching the Emma Thompson version again (I haven't watched it since my costume degree - I went through a stage where I couldn't bear to watch period stuff - our costume history tutor took all of the fun out of it)- I'll have to catch up on the BBC one too - I didn't know they'd made one.
OK, I must be feeling crazy-talkative tonight!
The Pink Carnation series is one that I actually re-read, as does my daughter, M. (My mother handed M the first book when she was there last summer, although it's certainly not something I'd have handed off to a 14 yo at that point. I think Mom hadn't read it yet and didn't know there was a little bit of sexytime in it.)
Woohoo! Sexytime! I've only just got to the bit where Amy, Jane, Miss Gwen and Richard have arrived in Paris and just met Edouard.
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