Thankful Thursday

Jul 22, 2010 16:43

Let's see if I can keep it to five, shall we?

1. Thank you to all of you who have been so kind and enthusiastic about helping me celebrate being finished my writing of the Jane Project. It's been a crazy three and a half years, and heaven only knows whether anyone's actually going to want to publish (or read) it, but I've enjoyed nearly every minute of it - whether a poem took 30 minutes or 30 (or more) hours, it was always a fun challenge.

2. I remain thankful that my poem, "Margaret Rose", is going to be in Mountain Magic: Spellbinding Tales of Appalachia. It will, in fact, be the third item in the book, according to the recently revealed Table of Contents.

3. I am happy to have picked up the latest issue of Writer's Digest, since there on page 15 is a little box listing the poets who placed in the top ten. My mother can now go into a store and see my name in print (#3) - isn't that nice?

4. Over the past two and 1/2 weeks, I've lost 10 pounds. Go me! (Now if only I didn't still have, like, 15 pounds still to go . . . )

5. I have a new project in mind. Nothing so ambitious as the Jane Project, but it promises to be a bit tricksy - and fun!

fineman, jane project, 5 things, poetry

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