I know - I'm pesky this morning. Sorry.
But I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I have a post up over at
Guys Lit Wire about Calvin Trillin's latest book,
Deciding the Next Decider: The 2008 Presidential Race in Rhyme.
I even wrote this "promo copy" to run in the sidebar, a la Calvin Trillin:
This book tells quite an interesting story
of candidates who sought power and glory.
It's fun to read and written all in rhyme.
You're sure to laugh, if you'll invest the time.
Oh - and if you've been wondering about the little KIVA logo/linky that I've started applying to my posts, it's part of my initiative to promote awareness of KIVA, an excellent organization I learned of from fellow Nerdfighters John and Hank Green. In keeping with the principles and ideas of Nobel prize-winner Muhammad Yunis (among others), I am a microfinancier. And you can be, too. I sent them $75 once upon a time, and have now re-loaned that same money twice to help small business owners in developing countries improve their lives.