Coming in June to a blog near you, a new collaborative blog designed just for guys. It's going to be called "Guys Lit Wire," and the idea is the brain childe of the ever-thoughtful and full-of-good-ideas
Colleen Mondor over at
Chasing Ray. The mission of Guys Lit Wire is to recommend books to teenage boys. The goal? At least one post every Monday through Friday by different contributors, for which a stable of at least 21 bloggers will be required.
I will be contributing monthly columns on poetry collections for guys (and yes, they do exist and many of them are great!) Others have signed on for other sorts of columns in other categories, but additional monthly contributors are needed in order for the blog to go forward. Categories as of now include book reviews, interviews, literary commentary, and more. If you have an interest in signing on as a regular columnist, please contact colleen @ chasingray dot com.
Special Alert: If you have a Y chromosome and would like to participate, we'd especially like to hear from you. It'd be nice to throw some more testosterone into the mix, especially when the goal is to appeal to teen males.