. . . over the next few days:
Tomorrow: Working on Jane during the day, watching the second installment of Pride & Prejudice on my local PBS station at 9 p.m., wherein Darcy will propose to Elizabeth in a completely ungallant fashion, which is, frankly, laughable.
Monday The schools are closed, alas! On the list: stuff with kids, new house cleaners, and the printing out of poems that are possibilities when I read poetry next Thursday night. Color me moderately anxious about it, since sharing poems feels so much more personal than sharing other writing. Also, I have to stand up in front of the group and read them, which means I'll be able to see their reactions, which is both a good thing, and potentially, a bad thing. Then again, better to get a reaction from knowledgeable poetry afficianados than not, right? *deep breaths*
Tuesday Writing time in the morning with my friend Angela. Wherein I will try to make actual further progress on Jane. (Really, I've completed one poem in each of the last two weeks, so that's no so awful. Except that it feels slackerish, really, when a long poem is the length of a mid-length picture book text and I've only got one to show per week. Bother. *deep breaths*)
Wednesday Further writing. Also, read up on duties as the new Regional Coordinator for the Jane Austen Society (there's a whole manual I need to work my way through, and soon). Practice runs for poetry reading on Thursday.
Thursday Writing time in the morning with Angela. Prep for poetry reading in the afternoon (hair! makeup! deep breaths!) Drive to Media, PA in the late afternoon and find someplace to sit until 6:30, when I'll head to the venue for the reading sponsored by the
Mad Poets' Society, held at the
Delaware County Institute of Science.
Friday Poetry Friday post and possible collapse.
To sum up: 1) Watch P&P; 2) Get some writing done; 3) Try not to panic about my upcoming poetry presentation; 4) Learn about duties as RC of JASNA-Eastern Pennsylvania; 5) Do poetry reading.
*deep breaths*