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Jan 29, 2005 10:07

last night was pretty fun..keara mary monica teddy colleen meghan and her friends and i went to see hide and sneak..it was rated R and we didnt know how to get in i was talking to jessica before and i told her if i didnt go online that night to call the police but it looked like i was ok..we had to ask random people to get us into the movie..i didnt actually think it worked but i guess it did..before the movie started keara and i were terrfied because we saw the preview for the ring 2 and i think it might even be scarier then hide and seek. it was a scary movie i just dont know why it was rated R. i just hope i dont wake up at 2:06 or i will die..after colleen wanted to go to the clave but we didnt want to walk because it was like zero degrees outside so we deicde to go to coldstone to find nikki so she could come with us to the enclave.. colleen and mary are ahead of keara and i and these guys are stalking us..and we thought we were going to get raped because they kept saying hey to us..then alll of a sudden i see like a bird running across the street..yes it was colleen and i guess a purse fell off some girls car and colleen saved the day..but when we got to coldstone nikki wasnt there and then kearas mom picked us up..then we played ddr which im NOT BAD AT anymore..haha until my mom came..but my mom was at kearas the whole time..and for some reason she was mad..but i still dont know why..so that was interesting...im missin al she needs to come backkk!! shes in new york and she missed beaumont day and i have to admit it was really fun we sang and it was like a dance...and i cant wait till sophmore dance! its going to be so much fun except not a lot of people are goin..soo im excited this weeeek CAUSEEEEE! im going back to winterhurst! and im going to start skating there maybe 1-2 times a week and hopefully tonia could take me..but skate every other day at pavilion....and then when i get my triples going im going to skate as much as rachel..im going to move up to junior but not compete for awhile i really wanted to do cics because i won last year and i really wanted to see what it would be like if i did it as a junior..and i cant wait till the iceshow!! its going to be so much fun i def cannot wait..well i need to work on my confirmation letter and start my homework. adios
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