My version of a busy day may not seem like much to some folks, but for me the day was pretty full. It started off as it usually does with taking my thyroid medication, making my bed, giving Polo his special yummies, grabbing a cup of coffee, and sitting down with my Bible to have devotions. Devotions are a time when I read a passage in the Bible and reflect on it, determining what lesson is being taught and how I can apply it to my life. This week I've been reading the book of 1 Kings, which starts with the end of famous King David's reign, then launches into the full reign of wise King Solomon. In my current reading, I've come to the end of King Solomon's reign, when he decides to allow his unbelieving wives to pull him away from the Lord, so what started as an absolutely glorious reign ended on a real bad note. It's a reminder to me to stay close to the Lord and live by the principles of the Bible, being careful about whom I allow to influence me. I will always be blessed if I stick close to the Lord.
I took a brief nap, as my gabapentin makes me very sleepy, ate lunch, and washed dishes before heading to my aquatic therapy appointment. Today I did the same exercises as before but my therapist introduced a new one to help stretch my arms and shoulders. I can already see the therapy working for me. My pain is by no means gone, nor is the exhaustion, but I feel a little stronger and getting up from my chair is getting easier. I was also able to increase my walk from 10 minutes to 15 minutes on Sunday, then I was able to walk 20 minutes yesterday. I skipped walking today due to my therapy. It would've been too much with the shopping we had to do.
After therapy, Jon and I headed straight for Aldi's to do our weekly grocery shopping. Even though I rode in one of the "fart carts," I'm still feeling the consequences of housework and therapy, so I asked Jon to make supper: our family's favorite goulash. He had to ask a couple of questions about the order of procedure, but he otherwise made dinner all by himself, and he did it perfectly! It was delicious! I'm happy that he's finally taken an interest in learning how to cook some basic dinners. Whether he decides to marry or stay single, I know he'll be able to eat something better than highly processed, heavily-salted microwave meals. I did the dinner dishes for him, before having a blueberry muffin for desert.
I'm happy to say that I have a bit of happy news...the Lord worked a small miracle for us.
So either yesterday or Sunday, I mentioned on Facebook that we were under an enormous amount of stress. Well, we still are, but the Lord helped us get at least one situation resolved. Car insurance. Without a job, Jon can't help pay the bills, so my car insurance was due to lapse, leaving us in a serious predicament. We were feeling really upset about it until the Lord reminded me that I hadn't taken Jon off my car insurance (I had to add him while he had his permit.) Gosh!! So I called my insurance agency and told them what had happened, and that I needed to remove Jonathan's coverage. Right away, my payment went down by $50! We had to ask my parents for help this month (ugh, I *hate* doing that!), but we were thankful the amount went down substantially so it was less of a burden. The news gets even better now. Without Jonathan on my coverage, I was entitled to a large refund, a refund so big it covers my premiums until July when it's time to renew the policy! So car insurance is now a non-issue. Thank You, Lord! This miracle came at exactly the right time, helping to bolster us up when we were struggling with the stress of our situation. His timing is always right! I stopped looking at our circumstances and looked up to Him instead, and He responded by showing us the way to fix it. My God is truly amazing.
On that happy note, I'm going to kick my feet up and try to find a way to spend the time before bed. If I tuck in now, I'll be up halfway through the night, unable to go back to sleep. Have a good evening, Everyone!