Flowers and a New Job!

Apr 07, 2024 19:38

We have great news! Jon has finally gotten a job! He'll be working for an aerospace manufacturing company, doing wax injection. This place is like my old employer, but hopefully the management is much better. In fact, this company makes parts for one of my old employer's subsidiaries. He'll get to work second shift, which he prefers. We wish the pay was better, but it will get us by, so we are happy and thankful! :)

I took Makenna out to relieve herself, and I noticed something by my office window. A primrose!

I also got some pictures of the daffodils and the violets at the base of the tree outside my bedroom window. No doubt they will be ruined when the tree comes down :( (this is the tree that was struck by lightning). With these pictures, I can enjoy them any time.

It's almost done, but I love it's big ruffle!

Yellow and white beauties!

Adorable little purple flowers. They're so cheerful.

Sweet, golden primrose!

All by itself, but it is so sweet! I love daffodils.

I made my family's favorite meatloaf for dinner, along with mashed potatoes, and fried green beans. We always have plenty, so I sent Jon next door with some of it so my elderly aunt and uncle could enjoy some. Uncle has taken up the cooking since Aunt has had some health issues, and he has a lot of things to do. They have been so good to us, I love being able to look after them in whatever way I can. Thankfully, they love my cooking, so thats an easy way to help them out.

That's all I have for today. I pray you'll have a great week coming up!



daffodils, meatloaf, aunt&uncle, primrose, jon, spring, fried green beans, job search, success, violets

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