Jun 28, 2006 14:31
1. What's best and worst about Nashville?
Best: My job (which I love and was very lucky to find, despite the lousy pay), the manageability of the traffic compared to Atlanta, and the fact that there's a decent cultural scene beyond country music (I was worried about this when I found out that we were coming here.) It's as blue a spot as one can find in this big ol' red state.
Worst: Really, my only major complaint is lack of proximity to family and friends. I have great co-workers & am involved in my church (and, professionally speaking, I talk to interesting people all day), but on the weekend, it's mostly just me & the hubby.
2. Where do you hope to end up after Nashville?
Macon. It's just about as far north and as metropolitan as one can be and still be in the South Ga. conference of the UMC. It's also reasonably close to both our families and, of course, my lovely friends in Atlanta.
3. What are your three favorite movies?
Amelie, The Wedding Singer, and Airplane!
4. Read anything interesting lately?
Reading is a much-loved, but much-neglected activity these days. I'm working on Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her, which is fun.
5. When will you next be in town again?
I should be around in late August for my high school reunion & to visit the fam. They're preparing for the inevitable move, and there's a lot of stuff Mom wants me to go through as they clean out. I'll also be glad to hang with my peeps, as it were.
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3. You really ought to update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
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5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you might want to consider asking them five questions.