Kawaii !!

Jan 24, 2007 16:30

Small back story.....While I was home in California my cousin Cyndi whipped out the cutest little wallet with red, blue and yellow elephants all over it. I asked her who made it, she said Cram Cream. I began searching for this Cram Cream she spoke of and immediately fell in love. They make the cutest stuff. I then discovered the term Kawaii, which in Japanese, means Cute. I spend hours searching the good ol' web looking for all things "Kawaii". There is just SO much.

Well, I asked my dear friend Quinn who is currently serving time in the Navy over in Japan, to kindly search for Cram Cream things for me. See, most web sites that I found were in Japanese and it was quite difficult to find it in the states (at least on the internet). Starship here in Milwaukee has a few things, but none which I truly desire. I did purchase a little cram cream mushroom air freshener for my car there. Anyways....the other day a package arrived for me and Nick which had such wonderful Japanese goodies. Squid pieces in a bag, cookies, candy, the most adorable Hello Kitty cell phone charm. but best of all...CRAM CREAM!!

How perfect is the ladybug towel!!

Isn't it cute! She's wearing a dragon suit....for Year of the dragon. I love it!

A big thank you to Quinn!! Keep it comin'!
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