Things are better. A few occurrences have happened lately that have given me an oportunity to think and realize some things just slightly too personal to post to such a public forum. But still, thinking is good and, as always, good is good.
Here's my first ever LJcut for a post. Enjoy.
I ran Mage Friday night. I can't say that I'm pleased with the way it turned out, but others seemed to like it. The sad thing about running a game like mage is that this is often the case. My favorite games are often everyone's least favorite and vice versa. The Storyteller ends up as a voyeur, hanging around in the wings. I'm a bit different than most because I actively encourage characters with sudden thoughts, revelations, and opinions relevant to their character--I play the devil on everyone's shoulder.
They went in a whole different tangent than I had expected, which was a bit expected. I'm sitting at a queer nexus point between concrete conceptualizations, firm plot points, and as such I have to improv'.
It's kind of like flapping your arms to carry you across a huge gap you just running jumped over.
Who's to say it doesn't work, especially in Mage?
Most of them went on a plot I had cooked up. Not a single one of them touched my News articles.
That's fine. I'll run a session next Friday to wrap some of those up, even if it takes all night. Thankfully, not everyone will have to be at those. I'll post on Yahoo about that later.
They started looking into a side plot involving a character who may or may not have existed. I wonder how far they'll take it.
I really wish that I could just spill my guts. It's lonely at the top.
I'll probably post some more on this later. It's a huge subject, Mage, and as such I could use some more room to rant and rave.
Let's see if my cut worked.