Aug 25, 2009 20:28
Shining Over You
Part 1 of ????
Rating: PG-13; May Become R or NC-17 (If I get brave)
Pairing: Godric/Eric, Maybe More? Maybe Less? I'm just goin' with the flow here. :D
Warnings: I can not write a One-Shot, nor can I write something short. This will likely be hella-long. Yay Wordiness. Also? Probably dark as hell. I'm in that sort of mood lately with my writing.
Disclaimer: They're not Mine. Because in my world? Godric is still in Dallas, being his awesome, pristine self, and Episode 9 didn't end in a way that made me bawl my eyes out.
He's very quiet.
Something Eric notices rather quickly. Julien moves like--at the risk of a horrible pun--a ghost. He's not sure whether it's a side-effect of what he's become, or if it's something that he's brought with him into this life, but Julien is so quiet. Too quiet. It's not a 'natural' quiet, but at the same time, he makes it look so effortless.
Godric had been that way. Quiet. Too quiet. But at the same time one never had the feeling that he was being snuck up on for sport. If he was startled, it was an accident.
It is the same with Julien.
Godric's quiet, he'd always assumed, had just been a side-effect of old age and Godric's feral peace. That he was a cat-like predator as opposed to a wolf.
Now, he wonders. Julien isn't old enough for that, and yet it's there.
He wonders if it's something else that's made him that way.
He doesn't ask. It's personal. Perhaps he will....
But not now.
Eric taps the arm of his seat. It's a nice plane. His plane. There's nothing to do. Most travellers would read or write or fiddle around on their laptops. They'd call a flight attendant for a drink. Something to pass the time.
Eric has always been a person of action. Sitting still for the hour it takes to get to Dallas is pure torture.
"You're making me nervous." Pam turns a page in her magazine and scowling. "Go find something to do."
Only Pam could ever get away with scolding him for being fidgety. He's a thousand years old, and he's fidgeting like a child, and watching Julien's hands over the edge of the seat in front of him. He's...making something--some sort of charm or bracelet out of gold beads and red thread--and whispering to himself. Or to one of his ghosts.
It's a little disconcerting, to know how many follow them all the time, though not at all shocking. Vampires kill. Even in this new 'Mainstream' culture, vampires kill, and a thousand years of hunting and devouring isn't going to just 'go away' because the world knows what he is now.
Having Julien around these past few nights has made him almost paranoid. He's never alone, even when he thinks he is.
For as much help as the young vampire may eventually be, Eric can't wait to send him back to New Orleans. He's otherworldly and creepy and reminds him too much of impending insanity. Julien is a burning flame in their world. Like a mortal, eventually that flame will burn out. He's too old too fast. Something that no one seems to see.
He'll be 'tired' much sooner than any of them would be. A century. Maybe two.
Julien's life as a vampire will not be a very long one. Eventually his insanity will outweigh his usefulness, or his Maker will tire of him--because Michel is notorious for 'look at the shiny new toy I have' and then two weeks later being finished with it--or he'll tire of the world in general, and move to escape it.
Like Godric did.
Just much, much sooner.
A long suffering 'huff', and he stands--nearly hitting his head. Sometimes being so tall was a hinderance. Not that he was suffering long for it, because he manuevered himself into a seat across from Julien. Just watching him.
Something Julien has been doing for the three nights he's been in their company. He'll just sit and...stare. Yet another 'disconcerting' thing about him. He doesn't even realize he's doing it half the time. Eric thinks its one of the few moments in his life where there's not some ghost tugging on the hem of his shirt and asking for help, and he's trying to relax and get his bearings.
There are moments of coherency, but that's just what they are.
A moment in hours.
Years in eternity.
But it bothers him. Julien's shoulders tighten just a little, even as he keeps his eyes on his little project. As though he's used to being watched this way. As though he thinks something else is coming other than a question.
"You haven't said what you need."
His fingers stop, and he blinks. Still sort of whispering to himself before he looks up at Eric. "I don't know yet. Have to see. Have to know. I still don't have a name."
"Have you seen him again?"
Julien frowns. "He's always with you, and you've been all but avoiding me. He's there. Always. You're his anchor. His...'unfinished business', as a rather cute little film once said. You're what's holding him here."
Eric blinks at that, leaning forward. In the young vampire's personal space. His fingers all but tear the little charm out of those fingers. Dark eyes flutter open wide, and Julien tries to pull himself through the chair. It doesn't quite work.
There are very few of their kind who could become incorporal, and Julien isn't one of them.
"You're playing with me."
Now he's angry. Those pretty brown eyes narrow. He looks, for all the world, like an irrate kitten. Because someone like Julien doesn't come off as 'scary' very often, and he's not hissing through his fangs yet.
This is a very human anger. Too human. Showing his youth.
"I don't 'play'. I've never had leave to 'play' with anyone."
He's afraid, but some people, when afraid, become brave.
Courage isn't the absense of fear....
"You're in my space. Get out." Those eyes, though afraid, are resolute. He'll fight, if he's cornered, no matter how futile it is. He's more animal than human or even vampire, and Eric idly wonders what's made him that way.
If his Maker knows just what he has....
....And how short-lived it will be.
"Make me."
"You know I can't."
Eric let's his eyes flicker over the back of Julien's chair. Pam raises her eyebrows. "What would Godric think?"
"That's a low blow, Pam."
"Sometimes, with you? It's all you understand." She's afraid too, but she's willing to risk it. There's a freedom in both her and Julien that Eric has never had. They don't fear dying.
They just fear 'not existing'.
"He's here. He's always with you. You're his anchor to this place. Even dead, he can't make to the Crossroads. Ghede will not let him pass."
He looks down again, and the clarity is gone from those eyes. The moment of just being 'Julien' is gone. Now, he's insane again. Gone from coherency into madness in less than a second. "He's here. And he loves you. He's telling me to tell you that. That he loves you."
Eric pushes himself away, sneering. Creepiness is something he can't deal with right now. The otherworldliness.
His own jealousy forces him out of Julien's presence and into the little bedroom on the plane. The one that is sunproofed. That some little No One can see and hear and talk to his Maker, and he can't even get a whisper or a ghost of a touch.
It's not fair.
It's just not.
shining over you,