May 20, 2007 00:10
I am becoming really annoyed with all the hype about "summer 2007".
Its almost making me believe that this summer isn't going to be all that great, and that everyone is totally jinxing it completely. That sounds so absurdly crazy, but it's true. Why does it have to be labeled as "summer 2007". i mean...i know literally it is the summer of the year, 2007. but seriously...its nothing more than another day, week, month, and so on. Why don't you all label every other season? Why not make all those out to be ridiculously amazing. Are you setting yourselves up, or are you psyching yourselves out to believe that this summer and every other is all you have to live for? I'm not even so sure why this actually bothers me. I guess, like i said before, i find it really annoying to read, and listen to everyone rant on about how amazing this summer HAS to be.
You might assume that i, or anyone else for that matter, would say these things out of spite that their summer or their FUTURE summer will not be as "clutch" as everyone else's. But that, in all honesty, is not the reason as to why i feel the way i do. I just wish people could let life happen, and not expect anything from it other than what it has to offer. You can’t force fun out of anything, so why make it look like your trying SO hard.