May 14, 2005 21:06
Ah, the finals season. The smell of sweat, coffee, Red Bull and paper all permeating the air . . . it makes me sick. But then again, it makes me happy that the end is almost here! I've spent all day today and all day yesterday studying for one final: Mammalogy. Oh yes, that God-forsaken class! I'm trying my best to get a good grade on this test to secure my passing grade. And maybe even get a C+! Oh man, my first C. Sad times. But anyway! It'll be over and that's all that matters.
In other news, I haven't even started studying for my other exams. I still have Biochemistry and Oceanography to study for. Blech. Actually, Oceanography shouldn't be too bad because I have an A in there as it is, but this is my only cumulative final and he's not telling us the essay questions beforehand . . . could be a bad combo. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get through it. Oh yeah, and that damn writing class . . . I still have an essay to write for that one. Stupid class. It's only for credit, but it's been so much blasted work! Meh.
Okay, I'm done complaining about school now. The good part is that I only have one more year. He he.
Hmmm . . . what else is going on? Not much else. Bought a couple of swimsuits yesterday and realized that I need to drop some inches . . . so I went on my strict diet today and the exercise will follow as soon as I'm over my sickness and finals are done. So, Friday. :) Maybe sooner depending on my stress level. I mean, the ARC is open twenty-four hours. I should use that privilege dammit! And . . . I think that's it . . .
WAIT!!! I got the brand new Better Than Ezra CD, "Before the Robots" two days ago and I finally got to listen to it today! It was absolutely HORRIBLE!! I was totally disappointed! The entire thing had no direction and no meaning, unlike their other songs. :( *le sigh* I still love you Better Than Ezra!