May 02, 2005 22:45
I'm so sick of looking at articles!!! I've spent the last three hours looking for articles on western lowland gorillas and mountain gorillas. I'm totally exhausted. But, on the bright side, I found myself a topic for my paper. It's not the most interesting one, but oh well. At least I know that the professor doesn't know much about gorillas, so that's a plus. It was either a comparison of behaviors of two subspecies of gorillas or reproduction of manatees. Granted, I find the manatee idea way more interesting, but alas! there is hardly any research on it. So, I've decided that I need to research manatee reproduction so that some poor student in the future can do a paper on it . . . or maybe I'll just do my own paper and skip out on all that research. I like that better. :)
In other news, school is almost over!!! A little over a week left and then finals and then summer!!! Whoo-hoo!!! Kinda funny, because I realized that I'm not going to have much to do this summer. I mean, I'm visiting everyone in El Paso over Memorial Day weekend, then I'm going to Germany at the beginning of July and possibly ICON in August . . . but between all that, there's nothing to do. Well, besides working orientations. But usually I have a job or summer school or something, but this summer, I don't have anything! I don't know what I'm going to do with all of my free time. Scary. :) I'm considering getting a job when I get back from Germany and then take off time for ICON and LSSP and I'll just keep that job throughout the school year . . . maybe. We'll see if I can handle it. If not, I can just tutor kids at math for $20 an hour. Sounds like a good deal to me!
And . . . that's all that's up here. I'm going to go crash so that I can get up tomorrow and listen to a few recorded biochem lectures before I go to actual biochem lecture. I had better get a freaking A on the final. I'm listening to all the lectures twice . . . and it's boring as hell!! :) Okay, I'm out!