Apr 20, 2008 12:24
Last night I had my first night terror in a while. I think my last one was in January? Anyway, same old scenario- I open my eyes and a person is next to me. This time it was a man who was kneeling down next to my bed so that he face was at eye level when I opened my eyes. I screamed bloody murder twice and moved over to Sean's side of the bed freaking him out.
Anyway, so today my mother informed me how my aunt asked when graduation is. My mother already has one aunt coming and also invited my brother. I was hoping to keep graduation very low key because I am nervous. I got made at her for seeking some prize for not inviting another person. I yelled at her. It my graduation and she is pissing me off. I think she is a controlling, manipulative person and I am tired of it.
I have alot of rage inside now. I am having panic attacks, anxiety and chest pain. She is an idiot.
mommy dearest,
night terrors