(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 10:27

A little venting first:
so it really is crazy how someone you love can turn into a complete ASS! i seriously do not even know who you are anymore! it makes my heart break, but i guess its better that way. i guess i'm better off, way better. go ahead, be an ass hole. try to make me feel like shit. too bad its not going to work, too bad i'm truely happy. i think you forget that i am a hell of a strong girl, and your little games aren't going to work. i hope that deep down you are as happy as you say you are, just because for some reason i still care. but i'm the stronger of us, i know what i want, and now, it sure as hell isn't you.

HAHA ok i am done now i swear. i just don't get people sometimes...
so formal was awesome! it was lots of fun. great view, fun people, DRINKING and dressing up. yup, good times. some pics are up if you want to check them out.
thanksgiving this weekend! i'm excited for the food and spending some more QT with my family, but at the same time its gonna suck. i still kinda hate home, just because it reminds me so much of that someone. but my goal this weekend is to get over that, because its time. and its just not worth it. FOR REAL. plus friday i get to see my three best friends in the WHOLE WORLD and i love them to death, which is going to be awesome. road trip!!!!

time to get some motivation. in six hours last night i got nothing done. i mean NOTHING - didn't even think about doing hw. so for real this time. bye!
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