I'm a geek and proud of it. I love historical and literary minutiae, I love arcane analysis of fandom and culture, I even love critical jargon (and hate it and laugh at it and get frustrated by it). I love being a geeky geek, and here's one of the many reasons why:
the formal panels at Infinitus. Check them out.
I'm not even going to Infinitus (damn), but I'm having fun just looking at these topics -- panels on using HP in the classroom; several interesting-looking panels on feminism and gender; panels on HP and its connection to BNA (Big-Name Authors) like Shakespeare, Spenser, Chaucer, Byron, Hemingway. And did I mention all the many panels on Snape, Snape, Severus Snape? And how about the one on HP tattooes? And on fanfic? Disability issues? Oh, and Snape? HP and Edward Said? Panels on fatness and on the Virginia Tech massacre and...
I'm also fascinated by what is not going to be discussed -- nothing on femmeslash, nothing on any female authors who might have influenced JKR, etc. I'll just have to go to whatever the 2011 con is (if there is one) and give a femmeslash presentation myself.
Here are just a few of the ones I'd love to hear:
Eating Death for Voldie: Exploring the Etymology of Toad Eater as Applied to 18th Century WomenThis one excites me no end.
Hermione "Cums" Undone: Fanfiction and the Recapitulation of PatriarchyThis one starts with Henry Jenkins and the classic Textual Poachers (I do hope the mod will explore some of Jenkins' more recent stuff, too)
Horcruxes in Faerie Land: Edmund Spenser's Influence on Voldemort's Efforts to Elude DeathHP and Spenser!
When Are You Going to Write Something ‘Real’?: Copyrights, Covers, and the Place of Fan-Fiction in LiteratureEvidently the moderator of this panel, a professor in Illinois, succeeded in getting her fanfic recognized by her university as "real writing" (Wonder what this means? It counts toward tenure?)
Of Serpents, Stepmothers and Scapegoats: Slytherin House, Gender Stereotypes and the Feminine Shadow Modded by
bluestocking79 and
pythia_delphi, and it sounds great.
Several interesting ones modded by
drinkingcocoa (and others):
Shining Light Into the Shadows: Canon Clues to Seeing Snape Snape is the Story, Hermione the Reader: SS/HG in Canon(Here's an idea -- who wants to go with me next year and give a paper on SS/MM?)
The Mother Who LivedOn mothering in HP
"Immaturity or Escape from Reality in Adulthood The Justification of Reading Young Adult series as a Twenty-Something/Mother"
This one makes me laugh. If a 20-something needs justification, I'm going to need a papal dispensation. Immaturity? Escape from reality? Bring 'em on.
Harry Potter Meets Orlando Furioso, or Flight of Fantasy by HippogriffHP and the Epic! -- this sounds...epic.
HP Slash Before - and Since - Dumbledore/Grindlewald All you lucky Infinitus-goers, I hope you'll report back at length!
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