Fannish Update

Jun 16, 2017 12:24

Several fun HP things have been going on lately, so it's high time for an update.

In terms of my own fanfic writing, I've been a horrible slacker for the last few months, but I did participate in one fest, wand_in_a_knot; I'll post my story here later.

I'm way behind in reading (as in, haven't done any yet) for this fest and for femmefest, but I hope to remedy that problem soon. I do have one rec for you, though, from the pen of the talented lash_larue. A hot, angsty, character-driven bit of MM/SS. Who could ask for more?

Atonement by lash_larue -- (Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall; NC-17; D/s, S & M)
Summary: Sometimes wants and needs collide.

And in case you missed it last month, the always-excellent shadowycat drew a delectably romantic artwork that will warm the heart of any OLSB member (and anyone [like me] with a long-hair kink. SC always does fabulous hair).

To Touch You by shadowycat -- (Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey; PG-13)

Speaking of the Old Lady Smut Brigade, I'd like to introduce a new flist member: tallulahdarling, a lover of Minerva/Rolanda. I plan to send her a big ol' rec list soon, so if you have any favorites you think she shouldn't miss, just let me know. Welcome, Tallulah! (Named for La Bankhead, I'm assuming?)
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