Jun 08, 2006 23:36
Amazing. Absolutly amazing.
I always said I would see my first boyfriend, Greg again after his no warning move to Colarodo 5 years ago. Getting his email and us both having myspace brought us a little closer but then 2night, with his random South FL apperance made it come true. Thank god for myspace!!!!!!
Thats right. It was completly unexpected but he emailed me saying he was in town for a few hours. So I drove over to say hi for about 30 minutes. He was at a Kava bar by where I work, actually. I've never had Kava-nor will I again. For those of u who don't know, its basically liquid extasy as Greg worded it-and as we all know I am not a drug user. I had 2 sips to make him happy, and b/c he bought me it - disgusting!
It was also amazing to be in the same room as Ian, Derek and Skipp again; just like old times - even more so that they were forcing me to do stuff I don't enjoy doing.
Those were the days - being practically forced to drink, have sex and do drugs - of course I didn't give in then. Peer pressure never really has been an issue for me. Doesn't bother me- say what u want, I ain't doin that shit. (Though, I had to 2night - just a sip to make an old friend smile....I even let everyone make fun of me b/c I can't even take normal shots let alone drink an entire cup of a ground up root!)
But it was amazing to see Greg. It really was. I missed his hugs, I have always missed those.
He told me next time he is in Boca w his g/f, Kat - he is taking Joe and I out for dinner. :)
I just can't get over it. I finally saw Greg again after 5 years. I am so happy right now. Our relationship NEVER would have worked out, but he truly is a wonderful man, with a big heart who, shiiiit...taught me how to french kiss! I'd never give up his friendship. Sadly, his scene is not mine...nor am I physically attracted to him for that matter. I am sure glad his g/f - who has the same b-day as me, is!!!!
But like I said - our scenes r too different. He likes to drink and smoke and do various drugs w his "pot-head" looking gang - I enjoy drinking/getting trashed once a week...period.
Writing this I just had a flashback of Greg and I at the beach discussing spirituality; my 1st spiritual talk w anyone up to that point. He enlightened me - explained to me what energy is - the field, the aura we each posses. Greg opened my eyes to so much that day.
Life works in funny ways, now isn't it??