Feb 02, 2006 16:35
1) Where did you graduate from and what year?
Pace Academy (2000)
2) Did you have school pride?
i suppose
3) Was your prom a night to remember?
i had fun both times, but i didn't go with guys that i liked (more then friends, one was gay anyway)
4) Do you own all 4 Yearbooks?
5) What was the worst trouble you ever got into?
my dad was the dean of honor and discipline, i didn't get in trouble
6)What kind of people did you hang out with?
umm i had my small group of friends, we weren't ners but we weren't on everyone's IM list either
7) What was your number 1 choice of College in HS?
8) What radio station did you jam out to in highschool?
Star 94
9) Were you involved in any organizations?
Hospitality Club, Service stuff...yeah thats about it
10) What were your favorite classes in High School?
11) Who was your big crush in High School?
i went through a lot
12) Would you say you've changed a lot since highschool?
i've become more mature and more adult, i was VERY niave in high school
13) What do you miss the most about it?
not having to worry about anymore more then who was going to ask me to the dance
14) Your worst memory of HS?
went through a phase (actually in 8th grade) where i didn't fit in anywhere, i always dreaded lunch time and was just so miserable
15) Did you have a car?
16) What were your school colors?
blue and white
17) Who were your fav. teachers?
France, Ms. Roark, Mrs. Minnick, Mrs. Mote, Mr Horner, Mr Carson (although i don't know why he wasn't ever that nice to me)
18) Did you own a cell phone in highschool?
haha no, i didn't get one until i was 21
19) Did you leave campus for lunch?
sometimes but not often
20) If so, where was your fav. place to go eat?
Chick-Fil-A and Pero's
21) Were you always late to class?
22) Did you ever have to stay for Saturday school?
no such thing at pace
23) Did you ever ditch?
senior skip day, first time i got drunk, fun times
24) When it comes time for the reunion will you be there?
i missed it, but not on purpose, i was out of town, i'll go to the 10 year
25) Do you wish you were still in high school?