Apr 09, 2006 08:26
In other news we are doing good! Heard the heartbeat again the other day and things seem to be progressing normally. We have an ultrasound at the end of the month. We will not be finding out what the baby is this time. We decided it was more fun not knowing than knowing. I really enjoyed hearing the dr. say "It's a boy" w/ DJ. So that is our final decision. I am going w/ DJ though he is fully confident that he is having a baby girl. Of course I am starting to think it is because he already has a boy so that is why he is having a girl.
So I had this big thing written but I don't know how public I want it and I am not a 100% on other people not reading this so I got rid of it. It was a bunch of questions on how to deal w/ a situation I can't stop thinking about. Oh well I'm off!!