Feb 22, 2005 20:43
well...the weekend was fun. people in the BUSA competition were real good. my forms/katas only got me to the third round...that was my best chance to win a medal!! poo!! then the next day it was sparring!!! my first ever fight in one of the most prestigious competitions around...got a lucky bye in the first round, the know i got it right. only lost by one single kick...2-0 wasnt bad :D a squad of nine and only one medal...was a tough competition!!!
but its the jorney back that was the highlight. an hour into the journey, one of my team mates realised she left her bag of essentials (keys, wallet, cards, money, phone, etc, ect) at the travelodge we were staying. then, we managed the best time to hit the M25...5:30PM, bang in the middle of a sunday rush hour!!! then after a crash course of road works and skittles, we managed to get off the biggest car park in the world, only to realise we got off at the wrong junction!!! i have never seen my sensei so pissed off before. was quite amusing when he shouted out "FUCK!!" before rejoining the slowest road circuit ever!! still, the consolation was that i had some left over pizza fromt he day before from pizza hut...that was dinner when i got back.
cool...so that was that. have been trying to recuperate the last few days as i have not been getting anywhere near enough sleep!! my nerves have been on overdrive over the weekend and monday havent been the kindest to me after a full day back in uni. still, at least the practical and stuff was easy, so i got out fairly early. and tonight, i am gonna pass out as i have a day off tomoro...thank goodness!!!n went out in the second. still, i did well, got a few nice hits in but the ref didnt see. still, my instructor and me