Jan 09, 2006 21:23
i had my first day of a 2 day 'interview' at emory today. really tomorrow is the interview. today was orientation, QA, and tours. there were 7 of us, one person didn't show. first a 2nd year took us around the facilities. the facilities really are not impressive. all of the classes are with AA students only except A&P and Pharmacology, which are with the PA students. I liked all of the faculty. I wasnt' impressed by the one professor we got to meet. she just didnt' seem very enthused at all and she was pregnant. the campus is nice of course. the financial aid discussion was helpful. we had eatzi's for lunch while finaid talked to us. then we met with two recent grads who are working at emory hospital still. they were nice. then we met with the program founders whom i liked. they told us the curriculum would be changing from a 27 to a 24 month program. i guess that is good. seems like the plus for emory is the number of clinical rotation sites, prestige of the institution, and the fact that its the first, and the oldest with 30 years experience. also everyone i know who is an AA is or went to emory.
drawbacks- facilities suck, you can tell the university doesnt' invest a ton of money in the program. no mock simulator though they said the med school was getting one (had one?) that we would be able to use. they still use a pig lab and the 2nd year didnt' sound like she thought it was a great idea. other than that i had a good time.
i wasn't really impressed with the other interview candidates. 4 out of 7 were out of state. most of them were a bit older than me. i was probably the friendliest and most talkative person there which is saying something.
tomorrow is the interview. i'm in the 2nd half so i dont' interview until 10:10. i feel iffy about the guy i'm interviewing with and about the interviewers. i have a feeling they will all be new faces, since i think it'll all be professors we haven't met, since we only met one today. i also like the fact that the program will only be 24 months now. and all the people were friendly.
hope tomorrow goes well!