Oct 16, 2005 21:05
Well its official...I have lost my voice. I sound like a guy...except for when I start to squeek and then I sound like a 13 year old boy. Somehow I always manage to get sick around Halloween. I just better kick this in the butt because 1. My job requires me to talk and 2. I hate sounding like this.
Other news...my mom and lonny came up to visit. It was nice to have breakfast with them even if I was dead tired because I babysat the night before for 5 kids under the age of 10 with my friend Valerie. That was the easiest $100 I have ever made. The parents came home at 3am drunk off their asses. One of their friends was rude to me so its a good thing they paid me well.
I am off to watch the end of Something about Mary with Danielle!
P.S. congrats to zeta class...wish I could have been there
P.S.S the movie WAITING is sooooooooo funny...everyone must see it....DO THE GOAT!