So last weekend found me in OH at
lonfiction's place for a writer's retreat. I'd never been to any such retreat before, and so I didn't know what to expect. Don't get me wrong, I'm the sort of girl that never walks into a room full of strangers, but I didn't know how spending the weekend with five people I barely knew--three of whom I knew only from the internet--would turn out.
In a word: fantastic. In several: awesome and fun I laughed until I cried I almost cried for real once I wrote and ate and drank and bonded.
I arrived at Casa de Lon early Saturday afternoon. Once the hugs and introductions were complete, we ate lunch and then settled down for an afternoon of writing. The actual act of creating a story is so solitary and isolating that performing that same act surrounded by people doing the same was blissful. We were all exploring our own worlds, but we were creating together, and that unified purpose soothed me. I know a lot of writers, and so the logical part of my brain tells me they all must write at some point, but witnessing it firsthand, learning I'm not the only one that has goofy grammar questions or takes a walk to work out a plot kink or needs music to write made me feel like a small part of something incredibly special. After writing, we ate another amazing meal (thanks, Shelley!) before we each gave a reading. The amount of talent in that room was inspiring. Then the evening devolved into drinking and debauchery; one highlight was
fairmer teaching me about Michigan's geography using nothing but her hand. Sunday brought a hot breakfast complete with coffee and juice. Everyone decamped a little after noon for their respective necks of the woods.
I found the weekend to be a complete success. I finished a chapter and started another in The Daphne Project; I started (and finished!) a zombie flash fiction piece based on a dream I had a few months ago; I started the back brain percolating on a new idea (turning my World Domination short into a YA novel). I l returned to Illinois feeling recharged and energized. Best of all, I fell in love with writing all over again.