Monday fell hard like the weight of the world

Jun 24, 2007 11:48

Special Session is oh so super soon! I can't wait for it. It's going to kick so much ass for realz.
It's 11:49 AM and I just drank a diet coke and ate some vanilla yogurt covered raisins. All in all, I need a toothbrush STAT.
I'm so tired all the time! And leaving for college a whole lot sooner than I think I am.
I've been hanging out with my cousins a lot lately. I miss them just the same, though.
I miss my friends sometimes too, even though I see them very often. I think my weird ridiculous feeling is just a culmination of a bunch of things that are about to happen in my life that have never happened before/don't happen very often. Like Special Session, shadowing an occupational therapist for two days, freaking COLLEGE, my friends leaving me for college (and coincidentally enough, me leaving them..).
Crazies, man. Crazies.
I told Mom that I wanted to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond with her to "look at things for college." But everytime I suggest something like that or.. anything at all, for that matter, I always end up not wanting to go. I wish that I weren't so good at talking myself out of doing any and everything. Haha or that I weren't so dilatory- it's truly absurd. I'm late to even things that I want to go to! How annoying, my dears. How annoying.

Now it's 11:54. Showering and I seem to be hating each other lately. "To be hating".. Mrs. Stephens/Mrs. Culpepper would suggest that I use some other form of "to hate," though I have not the care nor the time to fix it.
mmmmmmmmmmm love ya'll babies
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