Jun 09, 2007 00:31
...so obviously sub-conscious, even before I tell you that I cannot recall writing it:
Princess porcelain and
Warriors waif
Active abstinence
Idle waste
Looking for an epic-cure.
I don't wish: this is a choice I made at a very young age, aware of but unknowing in the order of chaos that checks and balances the ground we walk upon. But if I did, I'd wish to understand. It has a ring to it that's true and all-encompassing, but I guess my ability to understand is bound to fail if it's to rely on 'ringing true'.
a) I hate telephones, I especially hate to hear them ring, I don't want to answer them.
b) ornamental rings, the type you wear on your finger as jewellery, don't fit past my disproportionate knuckles. rings are painful and ridiculous.
and finally..
...C) since when does anything rung signify truth? Beats and rings are probably the most common synthesised sounds we have. Who actually rings proper bells anymore, aside from fabled hunchbacks and cats?
Neither of which I am particularly fond of.
With the exception of Moppet, my aunt's cat. But only because she loves herself so much that she can bring herself to love my affection.
I respect that.
Goodnight in the morning, good morning for tonight.